
10. 2. 2013.

Sunday chillin'

Za danas slojevito! Koliko god zvucalo otrcano, ali idealno je za hladne dane. Moj danasnji izbor je kombinacija militari jaknice, karirane kosulje u stilu drvoseca, burgundi pantalone ( moje omiljene ove sezone) i pretople cizmice od ovcije koze. Visnja na vrhu torte su narukvice iz nove No Sugar Online prodavnice.

Layers for today! As corny as it sounds but it is just perfect for these following cold days. Today's choice is a combination of military jacket, tartan shirt, burgundy waxed pants my absolute favorite this season and a pair of sheepskin wooden wedges. Like a cherry on the cake in association with No Sugar Online store i was wearing these wonderful Candy Cotton bracelets.

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