
15. 1. 2013.


Obicno kada je dan siv kao danasnji, i kada mi zafali malo boja, prelistam albume sa putovanja. I tako sam danas listajuci, naisla na poslednje putovanje u 2012. godini.

Zeleno, narandzasto, i pomalo drugih boja. Jezero i flamingosi, krosnje i papagaji. Ne, nije u pitanju tropsko ostrvo vec jesen u malenom Manhaimu u Nemackoj. Kraj Novembra u Luisenparku. Neverovatan prizor tropskih ptica, a temperatura je gotovo zimska. I dok setam, udahnem duboko, rezak ali svez vazduh. Baterije su mi ponovo pune.

When day starts like it's going to rain, and the sky is gray, I usually like to go through all albums of places where I traveled. Today I did the same, and I came to album with my last trip in 2012.

Green, orange, and some other colors. Lake and flamingos, tree branches and parrots, no it's not some tropic island, it is autumn in small Mannheim in Germany. End of November in Luisenpark. Almost unreal sight on tropical birds, even if it is cold out there. And while i'm walking through the park, breading fresh chilly air, i feel positive energy all over the place.

1 коментар:

  1. Hey there, I just love your photographs and even your blog too (: Are we following yet? Stop by me soon! Kisses*
